A Complete Guide on How To Increase Your Adsense CPC - MOD BUSSID


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Of course do you want to make more money with Google Adsense right? If you want to increase your income and profits on Adsense you have only two solutions:
  1. Increase the traffic generated on your website, as well as the number of impressions
  2. Increase CPC  (cost per click) on Adsense ads displayed on your website
Earn more with eCPM auction ads (advertisers pay to have their ad just seen) like CPC ads (advertisers only pay if their ad is clicked). If your site has been accepted by the google Adsense program but you are not making enough money yet, let me give you here some practical and simple tips to follow so that you can quickly increase your earnings on Adsense without take unnecessary risks or violate the regulations and guidelines of Google Adsense.

Why choose Adsense to monetize your website 

The Adsense program is the simplest and easiest way to earn money in an automated and sustainable way on a website. All you will have to do to access this program is to create a website with quality content and above all a lot of content (30 pages on average) that deals with only one theme, and that respects of course Google’s guidelines and recommendations.

Then submit your site to google Adsense and once the latter is accepted, you will be able to immediately display their advertising blocks on your site, and start to make a profit on the latter, thanks to the impressions of your advertisements or when clicked.

How does Adsense work?

There are three parts to this paid advertising program
  1. The advertiser, the one who wants to advertise the product 
  2. The intermediary, which is Google under the Adsense program 
  3. The display (the publisher), this is you, thanks to your spaces dedicated to the advertisements that you auction, so that the highest bidder among advertisers puts their advertisement on it and all this thanks to the mediation of google.
So the recipe for success with Adsense is without going too far in the circles: less advertising space on your site with the most traffic possible.

How To Increase Your Adsense Income 

I just want to inform you before the advertisements in my articles are being tested in order to enrich this article, so do not take them as an example and therefore stick to the advice included in this article to improve the performance of your ads.

First of all, know that using WordPress for example Plugins like:
  2. AJAX Plugin for AdSense 
  4. Ad Injection 
  6. Google AdS by BestWebSoft 
  8. WP simple AdSense insertion 
The use of these plugins, will not help you increase your income on Adsense, but just to facilitate the installation of ads for example in your pages, and their management and statistics thereof and etc. This article on the other hand, aims to improve the amount of the check that you will receive from Adsense! let's go there:

Before I give you the tips that will help you make more money on Adsense, let me remind you once again of the need to comply with the guidelines and  regulations that govern Google Adsense. I insist on this point, because you can simply be ejected from the Adsense program at any time if you break these rules and it is very tempting to do so to boost your income a little but at what cost.

In general, here are the points the most important practices never to do not to get fired from Google Adsense, because if you do them, the punishment of Adsense will be immediate and all your efforts to monetize your web pages will be in vain:
  • You should never click on your ads and if you do it in error, you will have to warn them and inform them of that.
  • Never ask a friend or directly your audience to click on your ads too; Google tracks all your movements, and your IP address is permanently linked to that of your friends and family and the Google Adsense algorithm will surely link it.
  • Never buy traffic and send it directly to your pages which display ads, if you do Facebook Ads, try to route your visitors through at least one other page of your site but not directly to your ads.
  • Never trick your readers, which look like two drops of water to your content and this in order to deceive your readers and get them to click on them.
  • Never display Adsense ads on pages or there is no content or content that violates the AdSense, you can just point out the pages in your Adsense panel board and exclude from the automatic display example.
  • Never subscribe to any other click payment program at the same time as Adsense.
  • Don't put your ads on your sales pages and in the same places as your affiliate links.
  • Never put your ads in Popups or redirect pages.
  • Never put your ads in prohibited content (adult, gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
  • Read the Adsense policy before installing your ads Now let's get started on how to boost your income and earn more with Adsense even if you don't have a large number of visitors to your website.

Choose a profitable niche with Google adsense 

If you really want to earn thousands of dollars per month with Google Adsense, if you have not already done so, you must choose a micro-niche compatible with the Adsense remuneration system and also compatible with its commercial logic. You will be paid per click with Adsense, so the best way to increase your number of clicks on your ad units, it is to opt for a theme where the readers will have come to your site to click on buttons.

Following this logic, download sites for example are a very good idea of ​​a website monetized with Adsense. In order to earn maximum money with Adsense, you must choose one of the following niches, so here's:
1. Download sites:
  • Mobile apps
  • Wallpapers
  • Software
  • Images of all kinds
  • Ebook guides and book, etc
2. Insurance sites:
  • Car insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Home and business insurance
  • Health insurance, etc
3. Automobiles:
When a sector or a theme pays dearly for its Adword ads, the click is very well paid on Adsense, there are niches such as car rentals for example, insurance, health, etc but you will need authority to rank on these topics and with the Google EAT relevance criterion, you will find it very difficult to blog on health if you do not post your diplomas for example and are not recognized on the net.

4. Health and fitness:
  • Human and animal well-being
  • Beauty and beauty products
  • Healthy eating and compliments
  • Natural care
  • Medication, if you are a medical professional
  • Natural remedies 
  • Organic care
  • Organic food, etc
5. Electronic devices and technology:
  • Smartphones
  • All kinds of connected gadgets
  • Computers
  • Household appliances
  • The robots
  • Connected speakers
  • Automotive electronic accessories, etc
6. How to make money on internet:
This niche, like that of finance and online banking is booming, the value of the click on its keywords is increasing day by day, which makes this niche one of the best because it has a future with Adsense, everyone is going to want to work on the internet and make money from it, it's up to you to show them how and the ads are also very well paid when they are clicked.

7. Entertainment:
  • Games
  • The movie theater
  • Shows
This niche does not skimp on the means when it promotes, the CPC and CTR are very high on Adsense.

8. Holidays and trips:
  • Vacation rentals
  • Campsites
  • Accommodation
  • Honeymoons
  • Hotels, motels, resort
  • Vacation rentals of all kinds
9. DIY:
This is a very profitable sector and niche with Adsense, the ads are numerous and the bids on Adword can go up very high on certain keywords, you could talk about:
  • DIY tools
  • How to fix yourself
  • How to use tools 
  • The best tools on the market
  • Gardening and its tools
  • How to make repairs, etc
10. IT and what comes close to it:
This is a promising niche for live Adsense income, people will increasingly need advice in this area, many ads are also there, and the competition is fierce keywords are in this theme, if you are a computer scientist, you do a blog for example on programming, or how the software works with a YouTube channel that you are going to associate with Adsense, it is a very good niche Once you have chosen a good niche comes a point more importantly, that of choosing a good Hosting so that your website is secure and reloads quickly enough.

Manage your website with the complete and essential Semrush tool, you will get free 7 day test, you can unsubscribe if you change your mind, but I don't think you are going to do it, this software is essential if you want more money with your blog. Okay now we start how to increase your CPC.

1. Choose responsive templates for responsive ads 

Your website must be responsive and Mobile Friendly. Your ads too, install custom ads in the spaces your Template reserves well for this purpose, and take a look at how many visitors they connect to your site via a mobile and add 300 * 250 ads that will adapt well to mobile screens that will display easily for your readers.

Adsense also recommends the formats 720 × 90, 336 × 280, 160 × 600 and finally this banner for 320 × 100 mobiles, all in pixels of course. On the other hand, if you have a site with static pages, think of places in the sense of your articles, and adjust their dimensions to those of your pages. Improve the loading speed of your pages to increase your earnings on Adsense: Without Too much going around the bush, the pages of your site or blog that contain ads must have a result on Google Page Speed ​​insights of:
  • Over 80 for display on Desktop
  • Over 70 for display on Mobile 
I'm telling you this because the ads are placed at the top of the range to optimize their number of clicks (above the fold) and when your content pages are heavy, the images and Adsense ads will only appear after a certain time, precisely after the reader or the user has already scrolled down the page and therefore does not transfer your ad. Accelerate the loading speed of your pages for better results with Adsense.

2. Option for customized ads 

Yes, I'm not in contradiction, if you have access to your html and you can create yourself sites for your ad units, then I would advise you to customize your ad units and opt for larger ads that will be more likely to increase your number of clicks, for example, one of 300 * 600 in the spider so as not to let google show you fine ads like spaghetti if you leave it in responsive mode!

Just be careful not to do this to the detriment of a good user experience, but be sure that the most profitable ads are the ones that appear in bulk and catch the eye of your readers.

3. Never put more than 3 ads in one page

To improve your page RPM a little, limit your number of ads on a page, a single ad is better but when you have a lot of traffic but never exceed 3 ads per page.

4. Calibrate the Ads Balance

You will also go to the Ads Balance (in your Adsense account) and adjust your percentages so that you always keep your efficiency at 100%, reduce the balance of ads to 10% if necessary.

5. Filter ads but not too much

Which ad to block without risk of loss of income on Adsense. You will actually block all ads that do not fit with your theme (niche) where your audience while making sure not to block them all at the same time, because you will lower the number of applications on your ad spaces which will lower their CPC value.

For example, don't let Adsense post livestock feed ads on your blog while blogging about vegetarian diet or weight loss. You just have to do this little by little in order to gradually bring google Adsense to understand the type of ads that you consider best serve your marketing strategy and help you achieve it according to demand and the type of ads on which your readers are more likely to click.

Because, for example, if google displays a hundred ads on your site and you have put 10 blocks in all, then if you delete 50 ads at once you will lower the value of your advertising space and earn less then.

6. Choose your keywords wisely when creating content

Target Keywords of CPC very crucial and very significant search volume, (check the value and volume of your keywords on ubersuggest). The type of popular keywords are very competitive but pay well, my theme for example, I would target well, the words Webinar, commercial prospecting, Adwords campaign, Email marketing, Buy a domain name, Mailing list, CRM Solution etc because their CPCs and search volumes are very high. So be a list of keywords the better paying your niche and write articles over.

You will then have to challenge yourself to create great content that you will rank well in Google and you can also get help with some Google Ads, you too but do not send your traffic directly to the target pages, made the pass by an intermediate page so as not to offend Adsense which will notice a spike in your earnings and will verify the source and if it is another page of your site, there will be no problems, it is a machine after all!

This point is really very important, because for example a reader who comes to your site after a request he made on google like "how to lose weight" and he finds an article that talks exactly about weight loss on your website and then click on one of your ads which leads to a slimming program, you will be well paid by Adsense for this click.

All because you would have chosen the right keywords and also the right lexical fields for your content and Adsense understood this and you put the right ad on your page.

Also integrate keywords with high search volume and especially with high CPC, Ubersuggest will help you free of charge to select these keywords and you will then only have to integrate them into your content and try to rank them, you also could try Kparser, a good tool for finding keywords with high search volume and high CPC. It will also allow you to select the keywords and expression to integrate into your articles in order to increase the CPC of your pages and make you pay more by Google Adsense on the impressions of the advertisements displayed on your web pages.

7. Increase Your Adsense Revenue Through Sectional Targeting 

These are two tags that you will insert in the HTML of your article, and Google will use it just the text that will be between these two tags to choose which ad to display on this page

<! - google_ad_section_start -> The part of your article that you will improve and enrich with a lexical field rich in keywords with high CPC and especially in relation to the article and your main keyword, try to frame with these two tags a large part of your article if you doubt the quality of your paragraphs <! - google_ad_section_end ->

The part of the article that will be between these two tags, must contain your relevant keywords with high CPC and a lexical field rich in words and expression to help Google put you an ad related to your article, which will increase the number of clicks on your ads and especially the value of the click because your ads will be really targeted, and that when a user comes to your site following a request, it will find on your page a relevant ad in relation to his needs and its search intention, which greatly improves the value of its click.

8. Increasing the display time of your ads 

You have to make to increase the display length of your ads, and must remained fully visible for at least a few seconds. See with your Template how to find a tip, if you notice, I put an ad on the Slider to serve as an example, it always remains apparent at a certain time even if you continue to scroll, I multiplied by 4 my RPM (income for 1000 Impressions) thanks to this technique.

9. Divide your content pages to increase the number of impressions

You can also insert expansion markers as I do in my long articles, and if I put an ad in the beginning of Post body, it will show each time the player passes a portion from the page to the next, and so the ad will show and be displayed several times, if not you can even divide your article for example on several sub-pages, it's even better, there are themes that allow this functionality, it will also increase the number of impressions of your ads and therefore your earnings on Adsense

10. Detect hot zones on your pages and put your Adsense ads there 

To optimize the number of clicks on your Adsense ad units and earn more money, you will have to detect hot spots on your pages, these correspond to the places on your pages where the mouse cursor of your readers when they are on your website. To know its hot spots on your pages, you can use CrazyEgg (paid) or Click Heats (free), this practice will increase your income on Adsense by improving the clickthrough rate on your ads.

Step by step then to choose the keywords to increase your CPC earnings 

  1. Go to Google Keyword Planner, you will need to create a free Google Ads account before, you also have Keyword Magic Too, Semrush (7 days Free) or SECockpit (01 month free trial) and do a search of keywords relating to your theme, making sure to apply the filter that will display these keywords and expressions according to their values ​​at Cost per Click.
  2. You will then retrieve a list of keywords and others of long tail, which you will this time sort by the competition of the other sites of your niche and which you will meet using such or such keyword, I advise you in this case to opt for keywords with medium competition and average CPC of course (between 0.15 dollar and 0.45 dollar).
  3. It's not over, you must then take these few keywords that you have chosen for their content pages ( one page for each keyword and annex pages for long tail keywords and expressions), you take so these keywords and you will submit them to Google Trends software, to make sure that your keywords are not seasonal and that they generate a good volume of organic search on google all year round and especially in the countries that you target with your content and traffic strategy created specially to boost your earnings on Adsense
This is what will make you win up to 1,000 dollars a month if not more, just with Google Adsense and a 1500 to 2500 visitors daily traffic only.

Install your Adsense ads on the right pages of your website

Go to Google Analytics and see which entry pages on your website and which are the most visited by your readers. It is on these pages there that you will install your most relevant ads, I'm talking about the format that best adapts to the content and that most encourages your readers to click on your ads.

Then install text ads in the form of clickable links for example on these pages if they do not have a lot of illustration or illustrated ads between your images if you have some in the content.

Place your ads in the right places on your pages

You must put your ads in the click intent areas, they are usually located in the center of your page, in the middle of an article for example, and be aware that the higher your ad is at the top of the page, the more it will be showed up and clicked.

Very Important to Know About Adsense

1. Only Use Ad Links

In addition, it is the first ad at the top of the page that pays more than the second or third ad, and also remember to make sure that your ads are wrapped in text that has a lexical field containing keywords to CPC high, because it is the text which surrounds the advertisement which will decide its subject, if this text which will surround the advertisement speaks of weight loss, the advertisement will be on weight loss, you understand, my friends?

First you absolutely must use the ad links, they are very effective, look at the beginning of this article you will know what kind of ad I am talking about.

The position of the ads is very important and can make a big difference in terms of clicks and income, Google, pointed us to it on the advice to follow for a good placement of your ad units in your pages.

Also note that from experience, the ads that are placed in the axis of the page are the most clicked but those in the slider are those that receive the most impressions compared to the number of pages visited.

Do not hesitate to place a 300/600 ad for example in your slider (sidebar on the side) and opt for horizontal and textual ads in the axis of your pages and in the middle of your articles, put only ads textual. I do it again always put your ads above the waterline of your web pages, the waterline is what will see your player without having to scroll down your page and you'll make a percentage high impressions for your ads and a much higher number of clicks than other places on your pages.

But a single ad above this line is enough, because otherwise you will offer a bad user experience to your readers and google will punish for that and bring down the eRPM of your pages.

Also avoid ads at the bottom of your articles, they will only lower the RPM of your pages, they are rarely show up and will not make you gain much Read this article, you will find some useful scripts for Blogger and to the end of the article, you will find the right method to install an ad unit in the middle of a web article, I tested it and it works wonderfully in my blog (Blogger), this kind of location will generate you a lot of clicks therefore save you more money with Google Adsense.

2. Targeting high CPC countries 

The CPC, cost per click is the amount that Google Adsense pays you when clicks on an ad displayed on your website. Know that if an American citizen clicks on your ad from the United States, you will earn a lot more money with Adsense than if this same American click on the same ad while on vacation for example in Egypt.

Because cost per click and page RPM are higher in some countries more than in others. So try to bring qualified visitors to your site, from golf countries for example, the United States, Canada, moderately Europe, to earn more money when they see or click on the ads Adsense displayed on your website or blog.

3. Adapt your traffic strategy to your Adsense strategy 

First of all, you must link your Adsense account to your Google Analytics account, and then go to Go to Google Analytics, then Behavior and finally Referrals Adsense and see which traffic source generates you more earnings on Adsense and you will strengthen your traffic strategy in this source of visits.

I t must you do next on your site readers who are really interested in your content, so must your ads; so never forget that the content and kings and rank at least among the 10 of the first page of google on one or two keywords to increase the influx of visitors to your pages that display your ad units as well as amount you will earn with Adsense.

If your thematic yes niche is mobile games for example, do not seek traffic on LinkedIn, because even if you are going to have it, nobody will click on your ads. But on the other hand if you bring young visitors from Facebook or Youtube, they will probably click on your ads and boost your earnings on Adsense.

4. The language of your Ads

Never let in fact, Adsense display ads in a language other than the one you use in your content and especially different from the one that understands your audience. You will for that try to insert in your content and your articles the name of the countries which you wish to target with your advertisements in order to help a little the algorithm of Adsense has to display the advertisements to you in the language of these countries where your audience comes mainly and connects to your website.

5. Get your visitors back to your ads 

It must try to get your readers back to your website more than once, you can check on Analytics the percentage of newcomers and adopt a strategy of cookies for example or email marketing in order to remind your readers a second times on your site, because that's where they'll pay more attention and notice your ads.

If a reader returns to your site two or three times, they will surely notice your ads because they surely offer him more value and more choice compared to your content and this is where he could decide to click on this advert to verify is she going to help him in what he is looking for or not!

6. Increase the duration of assignments on your website

To boost your earnings with the Adsense program, you absolutely must increase the time that your readers spend on your site, because the more they stay there the more they notice your ads. You will then have to create rich and above all long content, 3500 words on average so that your readers have time to notice your ads and click on them if they provide an answer to what they are looking for.

Also lower your bounce rate, the result will be the same, and your ads will be clicked more often which will save you a lot of money on Adsense.

7. Make your reader click on your internal links 

Google Adsense pays better if a reader clicks or sees an advertisement related to the request, then if your reader comes from Google (organic traffic), it's the jackpot, but you can influence that inside your site even if your readers come from direct sources like social networks, I explain:

I imagine that a reader comes to your site from your Facebook page, Google is not going to give much interest to this click because this reader does not make a clear request, so he is not particularly interested  in it and, so even if he clicks on it, he will probably not buy the advertiser's final product for example, which makes this click not very profitable for you.

All you can do is to do click on your internal links for that visit multiple pages, and then Google will judge interesting because he has expressed an interest in a particular query or keyword which means that its click or impression for an ad will increase in value, which will make you more money with Adsense, because the CPC will automatically increase with the interest expressed by your reader for a keyword or a request.

So make your internal links more attractive with high CPC keywords in anchors to increase the value of your clicks and ad impressions. Very important to increase the value of your clicks and impressions even with direct traffic.

You can also thanks to this technique, make your readers click once in your site on internal links that contain keywords with high CPC on which you have no chance of being ranked on Google and yet pay well which increases the CPC of your ads and the CPM of your pages, all inside your website.

The secret therefore is to ensure that each new visitor to your site, even if he comes after a request containing a long tail keyword of little value, they can visit several pages thanks to internal links containing keywords with high CPC and very competitive and to click on an ad at least before leaving your website.

8. Increase the reload speed of your pages

Test the reload speed of your web pages on which you have placed Adsense ad units. To boost your income on the Adsense program, your web pages must appear to your readers in full in less than five seconds. Optimize your images above all (compression in WebP or jpg), and eliminate all the small structural problems of your website so that it charges quickly on a desktop PC than on a mobile device. Your ads will be displayed faster then and will be much more likely to be show up and why not also clicked.

9. Perform performance tests with Adsense

Do not hesitate to make tests on the format of the advertisements, their colors, text or images and texts together etc to have an idea on which type of advertisement will make you gain the most on such or such page or in such and such advertising space on your site.

Take note and proceed slowly to see the difference in earnings and impression and make the best choice of ads to display with Adsense to maximize your earnings.

10. Monitor your performance reports

To maximize your earnings with Adsense, you must always keep an eye on your ad performance reports, available on the dashboard of your Adsense account. Always check the number of page views and project this figure on the number of impressions and the number of clicks without forgetting the Revenue per thousand impression (RPM).

As you know may be, the CPC is based on supply and demand and depends on factors such as auctions advertisers on the keywords and the value of the CPC that they are willing to pay, so do not be alarmed not every time it drops and wait at least a week to make sure by keeping an eye on it of course

And if you notice a rapid drop in one of these values, know that there is a problem on your site and consult your messages on Adsense or on the Search console, if not check your traffic curves on Analytics in order to quickly take the necessary steps to resume making money with the spaces you rent from Google Adsense.

11. Your ads should never look like ads

I'm not hiding from you, I left the best for last; here's the most important tip to really make money with Adsense and your ads. Your readers do not come to your website to click on your banner ads! If you want to boost the number of clicks on your Adsense ads; you have to adapt them to your content, design and theme.

I put ads on my website but believe me, I hate to see them on other sites, but not all! there are a lot of ads that are a complement to the content and above all that do not come out of the theme and that do not scream "hey here we are !!" So make your ads look and match your content well, I'm talking about design and the subject of course!

So do not use text ads between images and image plus text banners between paragraphs of text. Do not mean try soaking your drive, but just do not hurt their in the eyes and distract them from what he came to do on your site, look for a look back at his request! and if you put an ad in front of him, he must add value to the content, if he wants to go further in his research or pay for additional knowledge!

This is where your effort to choose keywords and filter and block ads that do not match your content will appear.

Increase organic traffic to make more money with Google adsense 

The interest based ads, showing up or clicked following a visit after a search engine query are the most profitable on Adsense, and this is completely normal. If you want to live from your earnings on Adsense, you must absolutely increase your number of visits via search engines, and to do this, the biggest ways will be:
  1. Create good content that responds to the requests and real needs of Internet users.
  2. Optimize SEO for your website and pages to improve your positioning on SERPs.
  3. Make your readers feel comfortable in your site by increasing the user experience, remember to minimize the number of your ads on each page, one will be enough if you have a lot of views and readers.
In general, you can set a goal of at least 1,000 visits per month, just with organic search and 10,000 in total to start to see the difference and make your partnership with Google Adsense profitable. Remember that the number of visits is not all, the number of clicks on your ads too and the CPC of your pages and the countries of your readers, take into account then.

1. Use Email Marketing to Improve Your Adsense Income

Yes, you read that right! you will base your entire email marketing strategy on improving your adsense turnover, with email marketing, you will be able to:
  • Get your readers back, so more impressions.
  • Redirect these readers to your pages that contain targeted ads, so they will likely click on them
  • Offer them files to download or free white papers that will also bring them back to your site, without forgetting to put these download links next to your ad units.
  • Introduce in your emails links that will redirect your readers directly to the results of your own site on Google so that it appears as organic searches, which will increase your CPC and CPM etc.

2. Embed Adsense for Search in Your Site 

This is another way to earn more with Google Adsense, it consists of adding, thanks to a line of code provided by google, a personalized internal search engine which will display ads next to your search results.

3. Add Adsense for videos

If your niche allows, you can finally create a Youtube channel that you will connect to your website, on the one hand, you will be able to bring more targeted traffic, likely to click on your ads, in the site and the other, you will be able to monetize it through Adsense advertising too and earn more passive income by putting videos that you will create yourself, or free of rights and that you can recover directly on Youtube for example.

How much traffic to make money with Google Adsense 

In reality, the number of visitors to your site is not a parameter to take into account if you want to earn money with Adsense, nor less, more traffic is synonymous with more money. You can  earn money with Adsense even with low traffic, 50 visitors per day on your site and especially if they come from organic research, can save you tens of dollars on Adsense.

Everything will depend especially on your niche and the keywords contained in the request that brought a visitor to your site, because there are some keywords that can save you  tens of dollars with a single click on an ad. So sign up on Google Adsense and create good content around keywords with high CPC, there are almost in each niche.

How much to earn with 1000 views or impressions on adsense

There's a bloggers who earn more than USD 50.000 per month and they are not rare, and thousands who earn good money through Google Adsense, I do not hide it n ' is not my case at the moment but I am still working on it and I am improving day by day. The income per thousand impression, and its amount could vary between 1 USD at 30 USD a day or more, and the origin of the visit (the country of the reader) has a lot to do with it.

A reader who reads you from the USA will earn you more than one who will connect to your site from Mexico for example. Having 1000 readers per day will therefore  earn you between 50 and 1700 USD per month which would mean that Google Adsense could very well assure you a good retirement one day if you apply yourself well in this program.

How to improve the CPC of your pages to increase your income on Adsense?

The cost per click, is the key factor that will determine how much you will earn on Adsense, it varies between 0.01 USD and can reach more than 50 USD for certain keywords, car insurance for example, has already paid a single click more than $ 56.

You must therefore create good content, especially of high CPC keywords, certain niches pay well, such as insurance and debt collection, and others less, but whatever your topic, do a research on SEMRUSH for example or Google Keyword Planner, and determine the high CPC keywords and create good content on it, then optimize it and have it ranked as high as possible in Google.

But if your Niche is not very profitable, know that you must try to improve your organic traffic, whatever it is, the majority of niches will earn you between  0.8 USD and 1.80 USD per click, which would mean up to 100 USD for 100 clicks.

The CPC is determined by the ad market (bidding on Adwords), but you can improve the number of clicks by improving your content, your positioning on Google and especially the location and format of your ads (test), what I would explain to you in this article.

Earn more on adsense with Adsense ASO optimization

It is not easy to change the source of your readers to improve your results on Adsense, if your readers do not come from the USA, Canada, United Arab Emirates, or even from Western Europe, your earnings on Adsense will surely be modest, no less, you could always improve them by optimizing your Adsense ads and by playing and testing these different parameters:

Site design (theme or Template, choose one with a very reduced header (Logo, menu bar; less than 60 pixels, to allow your first ad unit to appear above the fold,) but not alone because content must also be displayed).
  • The location of your ad units
  • The colors of text ads
  • The number of ads to display on each page
  • The format and size of the ads etc
The catch is that these parameters can vary on each site and are often related to your niche or thematic, you will not for example opt for text ads on a blog that talks about photography!

The best adsense ads and their sizes to boost your income 

1. For websites that have more visits from PC Desktop

Banner ads 
Install in the center and above your content or just after your main title in your articles

728 × 90
728 × 130
728 × 90 (integrate in the middle of the articles)

Square ads:
In the Slider or centered in your articles

250 × 250
300 × 250

Do not put ads on the sidebar, and also know that only the first ad (top), it would pay well with Adsense, so remember to make only one ad or two per page, especially if your traffic allows.

2. For website that have more views from a Mobile

250 × 250
300 × 250 

Above the content (under the main title of the article)

300 × 250
300 × 250

In the center of the page after a few paragraphs in the article (no more than 3 ads)

These ad units are used by a blogger who earns more than 30,000 USD per month, I invite you to test them for two weeks and see what it will give, maybe they will earn you more money with Adsense ads.

3. Link Ads Pay Better 

Of course, these ads are as links are targeted ads to CPC high compared to other ads (according to the theme of course), but these ads should be used when your content allows it and it is to say by incorporating them between links of the same nature and the same subject and interest for the reader, and especially the content must be in total agreement with the subject of the advertisements.

Their only defect  is that the reader must confirm his click, i.e. these ads only work in double click in general, this is the way that Google has found to reduce accidental clicks, it is necessary therefore know your audience and their interests to claim to install this kind of ads.

Which ads to choose, responsive or fixed?

In my experience, however limited it is, fixed ads have a higher yield compared to responsive ads, I managed to have 50% more revenue on Adsense just by adding fixed ads (size that you choose yourself).

When I researched it, it turned out that all bloggers who earn thousands of dollars with Adsense, only install fixed posters, you just have to adjust the size to your advertising spaces and locations and this shouldn't cause any problems if your Template is responsive.

Automatic or classic ads for more adsense profitability?

To boost the performance of your Adsense ads, place them yourself, never let Google install automatic ads on your site, why? The problem is that when you choose automatic ads, google will display ads on your site with a high CPC and does not take into account either their format or is that they are really suitable for your keywords.

You have probably noticed ads too small or in places that you do not necessarily if you have chosen automatic ads, Google will care less, its algorithms are simply not developed yet and you, you lose the money.
  1. You will lose more than 60% of your income
  2. Your site will look like an ad store which will cause a bad user experience
  3. Ads do not always appear even if you configure them
  4. Automatic ads will never appear in the best places that increase the number of clicks (such as the central area of ​​your pages and inside your articles and especially above the fold)
  5. You cannot control the number of ads that will appear and thereby lower your CPC
Install your ads yourself and make them responsive, choosing the best dimensions, places and colors appropriate to each content.

Make your website into a mobile application, and install Adsense ads on it 

You can double your Adsense earnings, by adapting your website to a downloadable mobile application on the Google Play store You will also double your audience, and have an additional audience, because there are many people in the world who do not have PC, so only connect via smartphones And if your topic interests them, they will only have to download the mobile application from your website and Adsense ads on mobile applications, really bring in a lot of money, advertisers put their ads there with the Google Admob program

Make Money With Adsense By Buying Websites 

If finally despite all your efforts, your website fails for one reason or another to generate decent income with Google Adsense, you can still buy a website, which already earns money thanks to Adsense. You will find on FLIPPA ready-made sites, with good content and good optimization for Adsense, regular traffic and recurring cash inflows each month with Google Adsense.

You will then only have to keep it up to date and ensure that it remains a profitable site, it is also an idea. For the price of websites, it takes around 1500 dollars for a site that earns like 250 dollars per month, that is to say that if you are going to leave it as it is, you will recoup your costs in two years, you must deduct the costs of hosting the site and the SSL certificate for example.

Also make affiliation next to adsense

To maximize income on your blog, don't settle for just one source of income. You can also affiliate at the same time as installing Adsense ads, you can also sell your own products When you affiliate on a blog on which there are Adsense ads, just add text affiliate links, just anchors and never add banners, and don't install Adsense text ads, at least I avoided.

Final Conclusion

I must also tell you about automatic ads, do not choose them, because in the short term, you will double your income with, but it will be at the expense of the UX user experience, the Adsense auto Ads system is not everything very efficient and you risk losing your subscribers. 

On average, for 800 to 1000 visitors to your website monetized with Google Adsense, you will be able to earn just with impressions 8 to 10 dollar (a click alone could make you win several dollar), bring 10,000 visitors a day to your site or increase the click-through rate on your ads and the CPC of your pages. So you can earn a good salary with Adsense, just do what is necessary and be patient.

Do you have any advice to earn even more money on Google Adsense, to enrich this article to benefit many people? Comment below!

A Complete Guide on How To Increase Your Adsense CPC

Of course do you want to make more money with Google Adsense right? If you want to increase your income and profits on Adsense you have only two solutions:
  1. Increase the traffic generated on your website, as well as the number of impressions
  2. Increase CPC  (cost per click) on Adsense ads displayed on your website
Earn more with eCPM auction ads (advertisers pay to have their ad just seen) like CPC ads (advertisers only pay if their ad is clicked). If your site has been accepted by the google Adsense program but you are not making enough money yet, let me give you here some practical and simple tips to follow so that you can quickly increase your earnings on Adsense without take unnecessary risks or violate the regulations and guidelines of Google Adsense.

Why choose Adsense to monetize your website 

The Adsense program is the simplest and easiest way to earn money in an automated and sustainable way on a website. All you will have to do to access this program is to create a website with quality content and above all a lot of content (30 pages on average) that deals with only one theme, and that respects of course Google’s guidelines and recommendations.

Then submit your site to google Adsense and once the latter is accepted, you will be able to immediately display their advertising blocks on your site, and start to make a profit on the latter, thanks to the impressions of your advertisements or when clicked.

How does Adsense work?

There are three parts to this paid advertising program
  1. The advertiser, the one who wants to advertise the product 
  2. The intermediary, which is Google under the Adsense program 
  3. The display (the publisher), this is you, thanks to your spaces dedicated to the advertisements that you auction, so that the highest bidder among advertisers puts their advertisement on it and all this thanks to the mediation of google.
So the recipe for success with Adsense is without going too far in the circles: less advertising space on your site with the most traffic possible.

How To Increase Your Adsense Income 

I just want to inform you before the advertisements in my articles are being tested in order to enrich this article, so do not take them as an example and therefore stick to the advice included in this article to improve the performance of your ads.

First of all, know that using WordPress for example Plugins like:
  2. AJAX Plugin for AdSense 
  4. Ad Injection 
  6. Google AdS by BestWebSoft 
  8. WP simple AdSense insertion 
The use of these plugins, will not help you increase your income on Adsense, but just to facilitate the installation of ads for example in your pages, and their management and statistics thereof and etc. This article on the other hand, aims to improve the amount of the check that you will receive from Adsense! let's go there:

Before I give you the tips that will help you make more money on Adsense, let me remind you once again of the need to comply with the guidelines and  regulations that govern Google Adsense. I insist on this point, because you can simply be ejected from the Adsense program at any time if you break these rules and it is very tempting to do so to boost your income a little but at what cost.

In general, here are the points the most important practices never to do not to get fired from Google Adsense, because if you do them, the punishment of Adsense will be immediate and all your efforts to monetize your web pages will be in vain:
  • You should never click on your ads and if you do it in error, you will have to warn them and inform them of that.
  • Never ask a friend or directly your audience to click on your ads too; Google tracks all your movements, and your IP address is permanently linked to that of your friends and family and the Google Adsense algorithm will surely link it.
  • Never buy traffic and send it directly to your pages which display ads, if you do Facebook Ads, try to route your visitors through at least one other page of your site but not directly to your ads.
  • Never trick your readers, which look like two drops of water to your content and this in order to deceive your readers and get them to click on them.
  • Never display Adsense ads on pages or there is no content or content that violates the AdSense, you can just point out the pages in your Adsense panel board and exclude from the automatic display example.
  • Never subscribe to any other click payment program at the same time as Adsense.
  • Don't put your ads on your sales pages and in the same places as your affiliate links.
  • Never put your ads in Popups or redirect pages.
  • Never put your ads in prohibited content (adult, gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
  • Read the Adsense policy before installing your ads Now let's get started on how to boost your income and earn more with Adsense even if you don't have a large number of visitors to your website.

Choose a profitable niche with Google adsense 

If you really want to earn thousands of dollars per month with Google Adsense, if you have not already done so, you must choose a micro-niche compatible with the Adsense remuneration system and also compatible with its commercial logic. You will be paid per click with Adsense, so the best way to increase your number of clicks on your ad units, it is to opt for a theme where the readers will have come to your site to click on buttons.

Following this logic, download sites for example are a very good idea of ​​a website monetized with Adsense. In order to earn maximum money with Adsense, you must choose one of the following niches, so here's:
1. Download sites:
  • Mobile apps
  • Wallpapers
  • Software
  • Images of all kinds
  • Ebook guides and book, etc
2. Insurance sites:
  • Car insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Home and business insurance
  • Health insurance, etc
3. Automobiles:
When a sector or a theme pays dearly for its Adword ads, the click is very well paid on Adsense, there are niches such as car rentals for example, insurance, health, etc but you will need authority to rank on these topics and with the Google EAT relevance criterion, you will find it very difficult to blog on health if you do not post your diplomas for example and are not recognized on the net.

4. Health and fitness:
  • Human and animal well-being
  • Beauty and beauty products
  • Healthy eating and compliments
  • Natural care
  • Medication, if you are a medical professional
  • Natural remedies 
  • Organic care
  • Organic food, etc
5. Electronic devices and technology:
  • Smartphones
  • All kinds of connected gadgets
  • Computers
  • Household appliances
  • The robots
  • Connected speakers
  • Automotive electronic accessories, etc
6. How to make money on internet:
This niche, like that of finance and online banking is booming, the value of the click on its keywords is increasing day by day, which makes this niche one of the best because it has a future with Adsense, everyone is going to want to work on the internet and make money from it, it's up to you to show them how and the ads are also very well paid when they are clicked.

7. Entertainment:
  • Games
  • The movie theater
  • Shows
This niche does not skimp on the means when it promotes, the CPC and CTR are very high on Adsense.

8. Holidays and trips:
  • Vacation rentals
  • Campsites
  • Accommodation
  • Honeymoons
  • Hotels, motels, resort
  • Vacation rentals of all kinds
9. DIY:
This is a very profitable sector and niche with Adsense, the ads are numerous and the bids on Adword can go up very high on certain keywords, you could talk about:
  • DIY tools
  • How to fix yourself
  • How to use tools 
  • The best tools on the market
  • Gardening and its tools
  • How to make repairs, etc
10. IT and what comes close to it:
This is a promising niche for live Adsense income, people will increasingly need advice in this area, many ads are also there, and the competition is fierce keywords are in this theme, if you are a computer scientist, you do a blog for example on programming, or how the software works with a YouTube channel that you are going to associate with Adsense, it is a very good niche Once you have chosen a good niche comes a point more importantly, that of choosing a good Hosting so that your website is secure and reloads quickly enough.

Manage your website with the complete and essential Semrush tool, you will get free 7 day test, you can unsubscribe if you change your mind, but I don't think you are going to do it, this software is essential if you want more money with your blog. Okay now we start how to increase your CPC.

1. Choose responsive templates for responsive ads 

Your website must be responsive and Mobile Friendly. Your ads too, install custom ads in the spaces your Template reserves well for this purpose, and take a look at how many visitors they connect to your site via a mobile and add 300 * 250 ads that will adapt well to mobile screens that will display easily for your readers.

Adsense also recommends the formats 720 × 90, 336 × 280, 160 × 600 and finally this banner for 320 × 100 mobiles, all in pixels of course. On the other hand, if you have a site with static pages, think of places in the sense of your articles, and adjust their dimensions to those of your pages. Improve the loading speed of your pages to increase your earnings on Adsense: Without Too much going around the bush, the pages of your site or blog that contain ads must have a result on Google Page Speed ​​insights of:
  • Over 80 for display on Desktop
  • Over 70 for display on Mobile 
I'm telling you this because the ads are placed at the top of the range to optimize their number of clicks (above the fold) and when your content pages are heavy, the images and Adsense ads will only appear after a certain time, precisely after the reader or the user has already scrolled down the page and therefore does not transfer your ad. Accelerate the loading speed of your pages for better results with Adsense.

2. Option for customized ads 

Yes, I'm not in contradiction, if you have access to your html and you can create yourself sites for your ad units, then I would advise you to customize your ad units and opt for larger ads that will be more likely to increase your number of clicks, for example, one of 300 * 600 in the spider so as not to let google show you fine ads like spaghetti if you leave it in responsive mode!

Just be careful not to do this to the detriment of a good user experience, but be sure that the most profitable ads are the ones that appear in bulk and catch the eye of your readers.

3. Never put more than 3 ads in one page

To improve your page RPM a little, limit your number of ads on a page, a single ad is better but when you have a lot of traffic but never exceed 3 ads per page.

4. Calibrate the Ads Balance

You will also go to the Ads Balance (in your Adsense account) and adjust your percentages so that you always keep your efficiency at 100%, reduce the balance of ads to 10% if necessary.

5. Filter ads but not too much

Which ad to block without risk of loss of income on Adsense. You will actually block all ads that do not fit with your theme (niche) where your audience while making sure not to block them all at the same time, because you will lower the number of applications on your ad spaces which will lower their CPC value.

For example, don't let Adsense post livestock feed ads on your blog while blogging about vegetarian diet or weight loss. You just have to do this little by little in order to gradually bring google Adsense to understand the type of ads that you consider best serve your marketing strategy and help you achieve it according to demand and the type of ads on which your readers are more likely to click.

Because, for example, if google displays a hundred ads on your site and you have put 10 blocks in all, then if you delete 50 ads at once you will lower the value of your advertising space and earn less then.

6. Choose your keywords wisely when creating content

Target Keywords of CPC very crucial and very significant search volume, (check the value and volume of your keywords on ubersuggest). The type of popular keywords are very competitive but pay well, my theme for example, I would target well, the words Webinar, commercial prospecting, Adwords campaign, Email marketing, Buy a domain name, Mailing list, CRM Solution etc because their CPCs and search volumes are very high. So be a list of keywords the better paying your niche and write articles over.

You will then have to challenge yourself to create great content that you will rank well in Google and you can also get help with some Google Ads, you too but do not send your traffic directly to the target pages, made the pass by an intermediate page so as not to offend Adsense which will notice a spike in your earnings and will verify the source and if it is another page of your site, there will be no problems, it is a machine after all!

This point is really very important, because for example a reader who comes to your site after a request he made on google like "how to lose weight" and he finds an article that talks exactly about weight loss on your website and then click on one of your ads which leads to a slimming program, you will be well paid by Adsense for this click.

All because you would have chosen the right keywords and also the right lexical fields for your content and Adsense understood this and you put the right ad on your page.

Also integrate keywords with high search volume and especially with high CPC, Ubersuggest will help you free of charge to select these keywords and you will then only have to integrate them into your content and try to rank them, you also could try Kparser, a good tool for finding keywords with high search volume and high CPC. It will also allow you to select the keywords and expression to integrate into your articles in order to increase the CPC of your pages and make you pay more by Google Adsense on the impressions of the advertisements displayed on your web pages.

7. Increase Your Adsense Revenue Through Sectional Targeting 

These are two tags that you will insert in the HTML of your article, and Google will use it just the text that will be between these two tags to choose which ad to display on this page

<! - google_ad_section_start -> The part of your article that you will improve and enrich with a lexical field rich in keywords with high CPC and especially in relation to the article and your main keyword, try to frame with these two tags a large part of your article if you doubt the quality of your paragraphs <! - google_ad_section_end ->

The part of the article that will be between these two tags, must contain your relevant keywords with high CPC and a lexical field rich in words and expression to help Google put you an ad related to your article, which will increase the number of clicks on your ads and especially the value of the click because your ads will be really targeted, and that when a user comes to your site following a request, it will find on your page a relevant ad in relation to his needs and its search intention, which greatly improves the value of its click.

8. Increasing the display time of your ads 

You have to make to increase the display length of your ads, and must remained fully visible for at least a few seconds. See with your Template how to find a tip, if you notice, I put an ad on the Slider to serve as an example, it always remains apparent at a certain time even if you continue to scroll, I multiplied by 4 my RPM (income for 1000 Impressions) thanks to this technique.

9. Divide your content pages to increase the number of impressions

You can also insert expansion markers as I do in my long articles, and if I put an ad in the beginning of Post body, it will show each time the player passes a portion from the page to the next, and so the ad will show and be displayed several times, if not you can even divide your article for example on several sub-pages, it's even better, there are themes that allow this functionality, it will also increase the number of impressions of your ads and therefore your earnings on Adsense

10. Detect hot zones on your pages and put your Adsense ads there 

To optimize the number of clicks on your Adsense ad units and earn more money, you will have to detect hot spots on your pages, these correspond to the places on your pages where the mouse cursor of your readers when they are on your website. To know its hot spots on your pages, you can use CrazyEgg (paid) or Click Heats (free), this practice will increase your income on Adsense by improving the clickthrough rate on your ads.

Step by step then to choose the keywords to increase your CPC earnings 

  1. Go to Google Keyword Planner, you will need to create a free Google Ads account before, you also have Keyword Magic Too, Semrush (7 days Free) or SECockpit (01 month free trial) and do a search of keywords relating to your theme, making sure to apply the filter that will display these keywords and expressions according to their values ​​at Cost per Click.
  2. You will then retrieve a list of keywords and others of long tail, which you will this time sort by the competition of the other sites of your niche and which you will meet using such or such keyword, I advise you in this case to opt for keywords with medium competition and average CPC of course (between 0.15 dollar and 0.45 dollar).
  3. It's not over, you must then take these few keywords that you have chosen for their content pages ( one page for each keyword and annex pages for long tail keywords and expressions), you take so these keywords and you will submit them to Google Trends software, to make sure that your keywords are not seasonal and that they generate a good volume of organic search on google all year round and especially in the countries that you target with your content and traffic strategy created specially to boost your earnings on Adsense
This is what will make you win up to 1,000 dollars a month if not more, just with Google Adsense and a 1500 to 2500 visitors daily traffic only.

Install your Adsense ads on the right pages of your website

Go to Google Analytics and see which entry pages on your website and which are the most visited by your readers. It is on these pages there that you will install your most relevant ads, I'm talking about the format that best adapts to the content and that most encourages your readers to click on your ads.

Then install text ads in the form of clickable links for example on these pages if they do not have a lot of illustration or illustrated ads between your images if you have some in the content.

Place your ads in the right places on your pages

You must put your ads in the click intent areas, they are usually located in the center of your page, in the middle of an article for example, and be aware that the higher your ad is at the top of the page, the more it will be showed up and clicked.

Very Important to Know About Adsense

1. Only Use Ad Links

In addition, it is the first ad at the top of the page that pays more than the second or third ad, and also remember to make sure that your ads are wrapped in text that has a lexical field containing keywords to CPC high, because it is the text which surrounds the advertisement which will decide its subject, if this text which will surround the advertisement speaks of weight loss, the advertisement will be on weight loss, you understand, my friends?

First you absolutely must use the ad links, they are very effective, look at the beginning of this article you will know what kind of ad I am talking about.

The position of the ads is very important and can make a big difference in terms of clicks and income, Google, pointed us to it on the advice to follow for a good placement of your ad units in your pages.

Also note that from experience, the ads that are placed in the axis of the page are the most clicked but those in the slider are those that receive the most impressions compared to the number of pages visited.

Do not hesitate to place a 300/600 ad for example in your slider (sidebar on the side) and opt for horizontal and textual ads in the axis of your pages and in the middle of your articles, put only ads textual. I do it again always put your ads above the waterline of your web pages, the waterline is what will see your player without having to scroll down your page and you'll make a percentage high impressions for your ads and a much higher number of clicks than other places on your pages.

But a single ad above this line is enough, because otherwise you will offer a bad user experience to your readers and google will punish for that and bring down the eRPM of your pages.

Also avoid ads at the bottom of your articles, they will only lower the RPM of your pages, they are rarely show up and will not make you gain much Read this article, you will find some useful scripts for Blogger and to the end of the article, you will find the right method to install an ad unit in the middle of a web article, I tested it and it works wonderfully in my blog (Blogger), this kind of location will generate you a lot of clicks therefore save you more money with Google Adsense.

2. Targeting high CPC countries 

The CPC, cost per click is the amount that Google Adsense pays you when clicks on an ad displayed on your website. Know that if an American citizen clicks on your ad from the United States, you will earn a lot more money with Adsense than if this same American click on the same ad while on vacation for example in Egypt.

Because cost per click and page RPM are higher in some countries more than in others. So try to bring qualified visitors to your site, from golf countries for example, the United States, Canada, moderately Europe, to earn more money when they see or click on the ads Adsense displayed on your website or blog.

3. Adapt your traffic strategy to your Adsense strategy 

First of all, you must link your Adsense account to your Google Analytics account, and then go to Go to Google Analytics, then Behavior and finally Referrals Adsense and see which traffic source generates you more earnings on Adsense and you will strengthen your traffic strategy in this source of visits.

I t must you do next on your site readers who are really interested in your content, so must your ads; so never forget that the content and kings and rank at least among the 10 of the first page of google on one or two keywords to increase the influx of visitors to your pages that display your ad units as well as amount you will earn with Adsense.

If your thematic yes niche is mobile games for example, do not seek traffic on LinkedIn, because even if you are going to have it, nobody will click on your ads. But on the other hand if you bring young visitors from Facebook or Youtube, they will probably click on your ads and boost your earnings on Adsense.

4. The language of your Ads

Never let in fact, Adsense display ads in a language other than the one you use in your content and especially different from the one that understands your audience. You will for that try to insert in your content and your articles the name of the countries which you wish to target with your advertisements in order to help a little the algorithm of Adsense has to display the advertisements to you in the language of these countries where your audience comes mainly and connects to your website.

5. Get your visitors back to your ads 

It must try to get your readers back to your website more than once, you can check on Analytics the percentage of newcomers and adopt a strategy of cookies for example or email marketing in order to remind your readers a second times on your site, because that's where they'll pay more attention and notice your ads.

If a reader returns to your site two or three times, they will surely notice your ads because they surely offer him more value and more choice compared to your content and this is where he could decide to click on this advert to verify is she going to help him in what he is looking for or not!

6. Increase the duration of assignments on your website

To boost your earnings with the Adsense program, you absolutely must increase the time that your readers spend on your site, because the more they stay there the more they notice your ads. You will then have to create rich and above all long content, 3500 words on average so that your readers have time to notice your ads and click on them if they provide an answer to what they are looking for.

Also lower your bounce rate, the result will be the same, and your ads will be clicked more often which will save you a lot of money on Adsense.

7. Make your reader click on your internal links 

Google Adsense pays better if a reader clicks or sees an advertisement related to the request, then if your reader comes from Google (organic traffic), it's the jackpot, but you can influence that inside your site even if your readers come from direct sources like social networks, I explain:

I imagine that a reader comes to your site from your Facebook page, Google is not going to give much interest to this click because this reader does not make a clear request, so he is not particularly interested  in it and, so even if he clicks on it, he will probably not buy the advertiser's final product for example, which makes this click not very profitable for you.

All you can do is to do click on your internal links for that visit multiple pages, and then Google will judge interesting because he has expressed an interest in a particular query or keyword which means that its click or impression for an ad will increase in value, which will make you more money with Adsense, because the CPC will automatically increase with the interest expressed by your reader for a keyword or a request.

So make your internal links more attractive with high CPC keywords in anchors to increase the value of your clicks and ad impressions. Very important to increase the value of your clicks and impressions even with direct traffic.

You can also thanks to this technique, make your readers click once in your site on internal links that contain keywords with high CPC on which you have no chance of being ranked on Google and yet pay well which increases the CPC of your ads and the CPM of your pages, all inside your website.

The secret therefore is to ensure that each new visitor to your site, even if he comes after a request containing a long tail keyword of little value, they can visit several pages thanks to internal links containing keywords with high CPC and very competitive and to click on an ad at least before leaving your website.

8. Increase the reload speed of your pages

Test the reload speed of your web pages on which you have placed Adsense ad units. To boost your income on the Adsense program, your web pages must appear to your readers in full in less than five seconds. Optimize your images above all (compression in WebP or jpg), and eliminate all the small structural problems of your website so that it charges quickly on a desktop PC than on a mobile device. Your ads will be displayed faster then and will be much more likely to be show up and why not also clicked.

9. Perform performance tests with Adsense

Do not hesitate to make tests on the format of the advertisements, their colors, text or images and texts together etc to have an idea on which type of advertisement will make you gain the most on such or such page or in such and such advertising space on your site.

Take note and proceed slowly to see the difference in earnings and impression and make the best choice of ads to display with Adsense to maximize your earnings.

10. Monitor your performance reports

To maximize your earnings with Adsense, you must always keep an eye on your ad performance reports, available on the dashboard of your Adsense account. Always check the number of page views and project this figure on the number of impressions and the number of clicks without forgetting the Revenue per thousand impression (RPM).

As you know may be, the CPC is based on supply and demand and depends on factors such as auctions advertisers on the keywords and the value of the CPC that they are willing to pay, so do not be alarmed not every time it drops and wait at least a week to make sure by keeping an eye on it of course

And if you notice a rapid drop in one of these values, know that there is a problem on your site and consult your messages on Adsense or on the Search console, if not check your traffic curves on Analytics in order to quickly take the necessary steps to resume making money with the spaces you rent from Google Adsense.

11. Your ads should never look like ads

I'm not hiding from you, I left the best for last; here's the most important tip to really make money with Adsense and your ads. Your readers do not come to your website to click on your banner ads! If you want to boost the number of clicks on your Adsense ads; you have to adapt them to your content, design and theme.

I put ads on my website but believe me, I hate to see them on other sites, but not all! there are a lot of ads that are a complement to the content and above all that do not come out of the theme and that do not scream "hey here we are !!" So make your ads look and match your content well, I'm talking about design and the subject of course!

So do not use text ads between images and image plus text banners between paragraphs of text. Do not mean try soaking your drive, but just do not hurt their in the eyes and distract them from what he came to do on your site, look for a look back at his request! and if you put an ad in front of him, he must add value to the content, if he wants to go further in his research or pay for additional knowledge!

This is where your effort to choose keywords and filter and block ads that do not match your content will appear.

Increase organic traffic to make more money with Google adsense 

The interest based ads, showing up or clicked following a visit after a search engine query are the most profitable on Adsense, and this is completely normal. If you want to live from your earnings on Adsense, you must absolutely increase your number of visits via search engines, and to do this, the biggest ways will be:
  1. Create good content that responds to the requests and real needs of Internet users.
  2. Optimize SEO for your website and pages to improve your positioning on SERPs.
  3. Make your readers feel comfortable in your site by increasing the user experience, remember to minimize the number of your ads on each page, one will be enough if you have a lot of views and readers.
In general, you can set a goal of at least 1,000 visits per month, just with organic search and 10,000 in total to start to see the difference and make your partnership with Google Adsense profitable. Remember that the number of visits is not all, the number of clicks on your ads too and the CPC of your pages and the countries of your readers, take into account then.

1. Use Email Marketing to Improve Your Adsense Income

Yes, you read that right! you will base your entire email marketing strategy on improving your adsense turnover, with email marketing, you will be able to:
  • Get your readers back, so more impressions.
  • Redirect these readers to your pages that contain targeted ads, so they will likely click on them
  • Offer them files to download or free white papers that will also bring them back to your site, without forgetting to put these download links next to your ad units.
  • Introduce in your emails links that will redirect your readers directly to the results of your own site on Google so that it appears as organic searches, which will increase your CPC and CPM etc.

2. Embed Adsense for Search in Your Site 

This is another way to earn more with Google Adsense, it consists of adding, thanks to a line of code provided by google, a personalized internal search engine which will display ads next to your search results.

3. Add Adsense for videos

If your niche allows, you can finally create a Youtube channel that you will connect to your website, on the one hand, you will be able to bring more targeted traffic, likely to click on your ads, in the site and the other, you will be able to monetize it through Adsense advertising too and earn more passive income by putting videos that you will create yourself, or free of rights and that you can recover directly on Youtube for example.

How much traffic to make money with Google Adsense 

In reality, the number of visitors to your site is not a parameter to take into account if you want to earn money with Adsense, nor less, more traffic is synonymous with more money. You can  earn money with Adsense even with low traffic, 50 visitors per day on your site and especially if they come from organic research, can save you tens of dollars on Adsense.

Everything will depend especially on your niche and the keywords contained in the request that brought a visitor to your site, because there are some keywords that can save you  tens of dollars with a single click on an ad. So sign up on Google Adsense and create good content around keywords with high CPC, there are almost in each niche.

How much to earn with 1000 views or impressions on adsense

There's a bloggers who earn more than USD 50.000 per month and they are not rare, and thousands who earn good money through Google Adsense, I do not hide it n ' is not my case at the moment but I am still working on it and I am improving day by day. The income per thousand impression, and its amount could vary between 1 USD at 30 USD a day or more, and the origin of the visit (the country of the reader) has a lot to do with it.

A reader who reads you from the USA will earn you more than one who will connect to your site from Mexico for example. Having 1000 readers per day will therefore  earn you between 50 and 1700 USD per month which would mean that Google Adsense could very well assure you a good retirement one day if you apply yourself well in this program.

How to improve the CPC of your pages to increase your income on Adsense?

The cost per click, is the key factor that will determine how much you will earn on Adsense, it varies between 0.01 USD and can reach more than 50 USD for certain keywords, car insurance for example, has already paid a single click more than $ 56.

You must therefore create good content, especially of high CPC keywords, certain niches pay well, such as insurance and debt collection, and others less, but whatever your topic, do a research on SEMRUSH for example or Google Keyword Planner, and determine the high CPC keywords and create good content on it, then optimize it and have it ranked as high as possible in Google.

But if your Niche is not very profitable, know that you must try to improve your organic traffic, whatever it is, the majority of niches will earn you between  0.8 USD and 1.80 USD per click, which would mean up to 100 USD for 100 clicks.

The CPC is determined by the ad market (bidding on Adwords), but you can improve the number of clicks by improving your content, your positioning on Google and especially the location and format of your ads (test), what I would explain to you in this article.

Earn more on adsense with Adsense ASO optimization

It is not easy to change the source of your readers to improve your results on Adsense, if your readers do not come from the USA, Canada, United Arab Emirates, or even from Western Europe, your earnings on Adsense will surely be modest, no less, you could always improve them by optimizing your Adsense ads and by playing and testing these different parameters:

Site design (theme or Template, choose one with a very reduced header (Logo, menu bar; less than 60 pixels, to allow your first ad unit to appear above the fold,) but not alone because content must also be displayed).
  • The location of your ad units
  • The colors of text ads
  • The number of ads to display on each page
  • The format and size of the ads etc
The catch is that these parameters can vary on each site and are often related to your niche or thematic, you will not for example opt for text ads on a blog that talks about photography!

The best adsense ads and their sizes to boost your income 

1. For websites that have more visits from PC Desktop

Banner ads 
Install in the center and above your content or just after your main title in your articles

728 × 90
728 × 130
728 × 90 (integrate in the middle of the articles)

Square ads:
In the Slider or centered in your articles

250 × 250
300 × 250

Do not put ads on the sidebar, and also know that only the first ad (top), it would pay well with Adsense, so remember to make only one ad or two per page, especially if your traffic allows.

2. For website that have more views from a Mobile

250 × 250
300 × 250 

Above the content (under the main title of the article)

300 × 250
300 × 250

In the center of the page after a few paragraphs in the article (no more than 3 ads)

These ad units are used by a blogger who earns more than 30,000 USD per month, I invite you to test them for two weeks and see what it will give, maybe they will earn you more money with Adsense ads.

3. Link Ads Pay Better 

Of course, these ads are as links are targeted ads to CPC high compared to other ads (according to the theme of course), but these ads should be used when your content allows it and it is to say by incorporating them between links of the same nature and the same subject and interest for the reader, and especially the content must be in total agreement with the subject of the advertisements.

Their only defect  is that the reader must confirm his click, i.e. these ads only work in double click in general, this is the way that Google has found to reduce accidental clicks, it is necessary therefore know your audience and their interests to claim to install this kind of ads.

Which ads to choose, responsive or fixed?

In my experience, however limited it is, fixed ads have a higher yield compared to responsive ads, I managed to have 50% more revenue on Adsense just by adding fixed ads (size that you choose yourself).

When I researched it, it turned out that all bloggers who earn thousands of dollars with Adsense, only install fixed posters, you just have to adjust the size to your advertising spaces and locations and this shouldn't cause any problems if your Template is responsive.

Automatic or classic ads for more adsense profitability?

To boost the performance of your Adsense ads, place them yourself, never let Google install automatic ads on your site, why? The problem is that when you choose automatic ads, google will display ads on your site with a high CPC and does not take into account either their format or is that they are really suitable for your keywords.

You have probably noticed ads too small or in places that you do not necessarily if you have chosen automatic ads, Google will care less, its algorithms are simply not developed yet and you, you lose the money.
  1. You will lose more than 60% of your income
  2. Your site will look like an ad store which will cause a bad user experience
  3. Ads do not always appear even if you configure them
  4. Automatic ads will never appear in the best places that increase the number of clicks (such as the central area of ​​your pages and inside your articles and especially above the fold)
  5. You cannot control the number of ads that will appear and thereby lower your CPC
Install your ads yourself and make them responsive, choosing the best dimensions, places and colors appropriate to each content.

Make your website into a mobile application, and install Adsense ads on it 

You can double your Adsense earnings, by adapting your website to a downloadable mobile application on the Google Play store You will also double your audience, and have an additional audience, because there are many people in the world who do not have PC, so only connect via smartphones And if your topic interests them, they will only have to download the mobile application from your website and Adsense ads on mobile applications, really bring in a lot of money, advertisers put their ads there with the Google Admob program

Make Money With Adsense By Buying Websites 

If finally despite all your efforts, your website fails for one reason or another to generate decent income with Google Adsense, you can still buy a website, which already earns money thanks to Adsense. You will find on FLIPPA ready-made sites, with good content and good optimization for Adsense, regular traffic and recurring cash inflows each month with Google Adsense.

You will then only have to keep it up to date and ensure that it remains a profitable site, it is also an idea. For the price of websites, it takes around 1500 dollars for a site that earns like 250 dollars per month, that is to say that if you are going to leave it as it is, you will recoup your costs in two years, you must deduct the costs of hosting the site and the SSL certificate for example.

Also make affiliation next to adsense

To maximize income on your blog, don't settle for just one source of income. You can also affiliate at the same time as installing Adsense ads, you can also sell your own products When you affiliate on a blog on which there are Adsense ads, just add text affiliate links, just anchors and never add banners, and don't install Adsense text ads, at least I avoided.

Final Conclusion

I must also tell you about automatic ads, do not choose them, because in the short term, you will double your income with, but it will be at the expense of the UX user experience, the Adsense auto Ads system is not everything very efficient and you risk losing your subscribers. 

On average, for 800 to 1000 visitors to your website monetized with Google Adsense, you will be able to earn just with impressions 8 to 10 dollar (a click alone could make you win several dollar), bring 10,000 visitors a day to your site or increase the click-through rate on your ads and the CPC of your pages. So you can earn a good salary with Adsense, just do what is necessary and be patient.

Do you have any advice to earn even more money on Google Adsense, to enrich this article to benefit many people? Comment below!


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