An Introduction to Adsense – Making Money With Google Adsense - MOD BUSSID


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An Introduction to Adsense – Making Money With Google Adsense

Today we are going to introduce you to Google Adsense which is in some words is: An advertising agency from Google aiming to display advertising on your website to generate income. Unlike Adwords (Google ads) Adsense pays site publishers who generate targeted traffic on their sites and who can therefore monetize it through google by earning a commission on the clicks of the advertisements present on their pages.

How to use Adsense to generate income? Follow these guide below:

An advertising program open to all
The Adsense advertising program is open to everyone. It does not distinguish between websites. Obviously the more traffic your site generates, the more chance you have of generating advertising revenue. The creation of an Adsense account is completely free and the agency comes to reward the sites which attract the most visitors by displaying on their pages targeted and relevant advertising.

Google announces 2 million site-side users and advocates targeting audience-related advertising. If you have a website related to boxing, for example, my advertisements displayed on your site will most certainly be products and accessories suited to this sport, so the keywords are particularly important. Because it captures the intention of the user.

If you are favorably placed on a keyword that can attract potential buyers. So it will be very interesting to put up relevant banners on your website.

The choice in the display
One of the benefits of using Google Adsense advertising is that you can block ads that you don't like. Indeed from your space you have the possibility of preventing the posting of an advertisement which would not correspond to your site or which would not be adapted to your audience. You can also let the search engine manage the poster of the best advertisements for your site using algorithms from "machine learning" .

Remember, the more clicks your banners generate, the more money you earn, so ad space needs to be placed wisely to be visible without being intrusive. 

Adsense is also becoming very interesting, because it is also an additional way of bringing targeted content to your audience. If your site is not intended to sell a product or service, but deals with a specific theme. It will not be intrusive for your visitors to see advertising for partner sites offering them paid products.

By keeping hold of your advertising space, you will display ads that not only will be relevant, but which will also allow you to generate more revenue.

There is no question of posting an advertisement on a site Europe that talks about a product available in the United States. The algorithms are rarely mistaken and the relevance is often up to the requirements of website owners.

Displaying advertising on your own site can be scary, so it is necessary to think carefully and weigh the pros with the income through advertising and the cons by modifying the experience of your visitors. Adsense effectively puts advertisers in competition and you can choose the banners that are the most profitable and distribute them on the pages of your site.

A multi-channel display
The advertising agency of Google Adsense offers a very well integrated integration of advertisements on smartphones and tablets. The power of Google and become essential for websites wishing to take advantage of their qualified traffic.

Indeed responsive sites that offer mobile versions perfectly suited to small screens will not be left behind by Google. The Adsense agency indeed offers remuneration for your spaces on all media.

4 Simple step to use Adsense

1. The choice of the advertisement to broadcast:
There are several types of ads: text that is a bit like AdWords ads on the Google search network, graphic ads illustrated with animated banners or both. There are also rich media ads, Flash ads, animated video and audio ads. In short there is something for everyone.

The first step is therefore to choose the ad you want to appear on your website and this among the thousands of advertisers and in the themes of your choice.

2. Define the locations of your ads
Have you reserved a specific place for your ads on your website? This is where you will paste the code to see the ad appear and to start managing revenue.

3. Automatic distribution
Advertisers who want their ads to appear on your website place a bid on your space. Whoever wins the auction wins the display. So you generate the maximum possible income on your space.

4. Payment Collection
Once the ads have appeared on your Google website, they bill advertisers directly and pay you the amount directly. You do not have an invoice to establish or an accounting management to make the collection and the payment by Adsense is automatic.

Conditions of Accessing to the Adsense program
Access to the Adsense advertising program under Google's governance officially requires 3 elements:
  1. A Google account: An email with Gmail e-mail address and if possible a Google my business account in order.
  2. Unique content: Google ensures the quality and relevance of your content before opening access to the program.
  3. A phone number and an address: Verification systems are implemented by Google to ensure that you can receive payments from advertising revenue.
Unofficially, now since 2020 the Adsense program is more difficult for websites that record a minimum of traffic. If you don't have visitors on your website. You will not be able to take advantage of the program and generate income.

Why Adsense? Monetize your traffic
The Adsense program is open to everyone and allows everyone to offer advertising space on their website to generate income. However, only websites with regular traffic can really make money. This program is therefore recommended for sites that have a community of visitors and / or regular traffic from referral sources or referral links. Websites that register several hundred or even several thousand visitors per day will be able to take full advantage of the potential of advertising management.

In order to start earning money with Google Adsense, you will need a minimum of a few hundred visitors.

An economic model at CPM and CPC
Two economic models coexist on Adsense models:

  • At Cost per mile: This model corresponds to the price paid by the advertiser for 1000 views / displays of the advertisement.
  • At cost per click: This is to compensate you for the number of clicks on the banner or text ad that is displayed on your site.When a user clicks on the ad, you will receive the amount defined by the advertiser, obviously as a deduction from the platform's commission. 

So If you think you have enough traffic on your site to allow you to take advantage of Adsense, let's find out how to register.

1. Go to the  Google Adsense site
Then click on: register now. You will then be offered a basic form. Be careful for the address of your website to put the final URL of your site. If you have redirects in the same way as on Adwords, it will not work. Also remember to correctly enter the email address associated with your Google account (Gmail).

Once the general conditions accepted, you find yourself on the following Adsense space: The first thing you will need to configure. This is your payment profile. It is indeed necessary as we saw above in the article to have a postal address, a valid telephone number and in adequacy with your country of residence declared during the creation of the Google Adsense account.

2. Connect the site to Adsense management
In order to connect the advertising platform to your site, you will need to integrate a code to place between the < head > and < / Head > tags.

 The code must be integrated on all the pages of the site on which you want to broadcast the ads. This is example below:

<script data-ad-client="ca-pub-91353652xxxxxxx" async src=""></script>

The Customer Code shown here in red is composed of a combination of numbers and allows the platform to identify the pages.

3. Google Adsense approval process for your site
Access to the account will be grayed out until the final approval process is completed. It can take up to 48 hours for approval. Make sure you have completed your information correctly.

Following final Adsense approval, you will receive a confirmation email inviting you to get started on the platform.

A word about user consent rules
The new data protection rules promulgated by the European Union require a certain number of parameters to be observed before displaying advertisements. This is especially valid in the context of the use of cookies which we recall here, allow to follow Internet users and allows you to display relevant advertising according to their affinities and browsing habits.

It is necessary to obtain the consent of your visitors to display your advertisements using cookie (remarketing) and personalized advertisement technologies. In order to request the consent of your users, you will need to display a pop-up on your site or a dedicated message.

Your Adsense account is approved!
You have received the email confirming that the Adsense account has been properly approved. You are therefore able to get started on the platform.

Click on the menu on the left on> Ads> By ads unit

You will reach the following page:

3 types of advertising may be offered to you:
1. Display Ads
As you can see in the following illustration, the advertisement is displayed on a banner inside a page on the site. By clicking on the blue arrow at the top right of the banner, you will be redirected to a Google explanation page aimed at providing you with information on the reason why this targeted advertisement was displayed on your page.

Text and graphic ads on the display network explanatory Google page to provide you with information on why this targeted ad was displayed on your page.

2. In-Feed ads or native advertising ads
In-feed ads are chameleon ads and are integrated into content of the same subject and in the same format. This type of ad is not very intrusive for the Internet user and allows good audience targeting.

3. Ads inside an article
Finally, in-article ads, allows you to place advertising inside an article between two paragraphs. This type of advertising often appears in blogs here are some examples:

Let's explore of a text and graphic ad on the display network
Here you will find the different sizes of banners available, namely:
  1. Responsive: This type of advertisement adapts to all types of website and screen
  2. 728 x 90 Leader board: Typically intended to display at the top of main content
  3. 728 x 90 Leader board
  4. 336 x 280 large rectangles: This format is mainly used for integration into content a bit like native ads
  5. 336 x 280 large rectangles
  6. 320 x 100 large banners for mobile: With a higher height it adapts well to the verticality
  7. 320 x 100 large mobile banners
  8. 300 x 600 Half-page formats: The banner is displayed widely on the right space of the page, they allow advertisers to work in a more graphic way by displaying more elements.
  9. 300 x 600 Half-page formats
To find all the information on the accepted ad formats you can reach Google support by following the link: Ad sizes.

Ad texts and styles
The customization of the styles for the advertisements which will be displayed on your site allows to keep a certain coherence in the design, in the colors, and in the appearance. Google Adsense offers a tool to sort these elements in the event that advertisers do not have their own images and their own advertising media. This saves you from having a slightly dark and black advertisement on a website where everything is white and very clear.

The idea is to integrate advertising as much as possible into your site design without shocking and disturbing the visitor.

Choice of behavior below display impossibility
Before saving you will have to configure here the behavior in the way when no banner is available for example display a color, or other.

Then save to get the code> The script must be integrated on your site into the source code before displaying the advertisements with the appropriate configuration.

Quick discovery of an "in-feed" campaign
As you can see from the illustrations above in the article, in-feed ads appear inside your content. When Internet users scroll the content vertically, they will be able to see the in-feed ads perfectly integrated into the content streams.

They are therefore very discreet and not very intrusive, as a general rule it adds value to existing content through ads related to the content around it. The new version of Adsense allows you to integrate this type of ad very cleanly into your content. Again, here is an example of advertising inside an article. And more particularly between two paragraphs of the same article.

10 Tips to Increase the Performance of Your Adsense Ads?
  1. Identify the best ads locations. That is to say the most visible
  2. Create new advertising-oriented content (as long as you already have traffic or an audience) do not hesitate to think from the start about the possibility of integrating advertising content.
  3. Integrate your advertisements as much as possible into your content while being as intrusive as possible. Each of the actors must find there account as well the Net surfer, the owner of the site as the advertiser.
  4. Play with color strategies. There should always be a clearly defined boundary between the ads and the content on your page.
  5. Use the action buttons (CTA) to catch the eye of your visitors. One tip is to place your ads next to it in order to manage clicks.
  6. Increase traffic on your page. Your income is directly linked to the number of clicks and views. By increasing your traffic, you will develop your income mathematically.
  7. Build the pages of its sites taking into account the advertising areas from the start. This will allow you to put more without being too aggressive.
  8. Segment and divide your content into several pages. Rather than having all of your content on one page, display only some of your content on one page and the rest on another page. This allows more display opportunities.
  9. Create content with high added value. You should not give up and always try to offer quality and engaging content by being creative and original.
  10. Build a network of partners, work on your backlinks to receive qualified traffic on your site and thus monetize your audience.
The fraud click
If there is one place where fraud is debated, it is on banner advertisements where it is commonplace. Google is chasing robots that automatically click on automatic banners or webmasters who click or click on their banners to generate income.

Likewise, websites designed specifically to place banners and defraud have been in fashion in recent years. Do not take the giant Google for a fool. Be certain that the number 1 search engine relentlessly hunts fraudsters and does not hesitate to ban those who do not follow the rules. So do not have fun with this at the risk of making you exit the game probably permanently.

Conclusion on Adsense advertising
If you have a website with high traffic potential (check on Google analytics). Then Adsense could allow you to generate interesting income by displaying advertisements on your pages. Keep in mind that if you do not have a regular flow of visitors the first thing to do will certainly be to develop your traffic and increase your daily visits. Working on its SEO with additional content marketing will be a first step to generate income from its traffic.

If you are lucky enough to have qualified traffic on your website and be able to be choosy about the advertisements that appear. Make a real selection and don't forget that you are the boss! Have a nice day!

An Introduction to Adsense – Making Money With Google Adsense

An Introduction to Adsense – Making Money With Google Adsense

Today we are going to introduce you to Google Adsense which is in some words is: An advertising agency from Google aiming to display advertising on your website to generate income. Unlike Adwords (Google ads) Adsense pays site publishers who generate targeted traffic on their sites and who can therefore monetize it through google by earning a commission on the clicks of the advertisements present on their pages.

How to use Adsense to generate income? Follow these guide below:

An advertising program open to all
The Adsense advertising program is open to everyone. It does not distinguish between websites. Obviously the more traffic your site generates, the more chance you have of generating advertising revenue. The creation of an Adsense account is completely free and the agency comes to reward the sites which attract the most visitors by displaying on their pages targeted and relevant advertising.

Google announces 2 million site-side users and advocates targeting audience-related advertising. If you have a website related to boxing, for example, my advertisements displayed on your site will most certainly be products and accessories suited to this sport, so the keywords are particularly important. Because it captures the intention of the user.

If you are favorably placed on a keyword that can attract potential buyers. So it will be very interesting to put up relevant banners on your website.

The choice in the display
One of the benefits of using Google Adsense advertising is that you can block ads that you don't like. Indeed from your space you have the possibility of preventing the posting of an advertisement which would not correspond to your site or which would not be adapted to your audience. You can also let the search engine manage the poster of the best advertisements for your site using algorithms from "machine learning" .

Remember, the more clicks your banners generate, the more money you earn, so ad space needs to be placed wisely to be visible without being intrusive. 

Adsense is also becoming very interesting, because it is also an additional way of bringing targeted content to your audience. If your site is not intended to sell a product or service, but deals with a specific theme. It will not be intrusive for your visitors to see advertising for partner sites offering them paid products.

By keeping hold of your advertising space, you will display ads that not only will be relevant, but which will also allow you to generate more revenue.

There is no question of posting an advertisement on a site Europe that talks about a product available in the United States. The algorithms are rarely mistaken and the relevance is often up to the requirements of website owners.

Displaying advertising on your own site can be scary, so it is necessary to think carefully and weigh the pros with the income through advertising and the cons by modifying the experience of your visitors. Adsense effectively puts advertisers in competition and you can choose the banners that are the most profitable and distribute them on the pages of your site.

A multi-channel display
The advertising agency of Google Adsense offers a very well integrated integration of advertisements on smartphones and tablets. The power of Google and become essential for websites wishing to take advantage of their qualified traffic.

Indeed responsive sites that offer mobile versions perfectly suited to small screens will not be left behind by Google. The Adsense agency indeed offers remuneration for your spaces on all media.

4 Simple step to use Adsense

1. The choice of the advertisement to broadcast:
There are several types of ads: text that is a bit like AdWords ads on the Google search network, graphic ads illustrated with animated banners or both. There are also rich media ads, Flash ads, animated video and audio ads. In short there is something for everyone.

The first step is therefore to choose the ad you want to appear on your website and this among the thousands of advertisers and in the themes of your choice.

2. Define the locations of your ads
Have you reserved a specific place for your ads on your website? This is where you will paste the code to see the ad appear and to start managing revenue.

3. Automatic distribution
Advertisers who want their ads to appear on your website place a bid on your space. Whoever wins the auction wins the display. So you generate the maximum possible income on your space.

4. Payment Collection
Once the ads have appeared on your Google website, they bill advertisers directly and pay you the amount directly. You do not have an invoice to establish or an accounting management to make the collection and the payment by Adsense is automatic.

Conditions of Accessing to the Adsense program
Access to the Adsense advertising program under Google's governance officially requires 3 elements:
  1. A Google account: An email with Gmail e-mail address and if possible a Google my business account in order.
  2. Unique content: Google ensures the quality and relevance of your content before opening access to the program.
  3. A phone number and an address: Verification systems are implemented by Google to ensure that you can receive payments from advertising revenue.
Unofficially, now since 2020 the Adsense program is more difficult for websites that record a minimum of traffic. If you don't have visitors on your website. You will not be able to take advantage of the program and generate income.

Why Adsense? Monetize your traffic
The Adsense program is open to everyone and allows everyone to offer advertising space on their website to generate income. However, only websites with regular traffic can really make money. This program is therefore recommended for sites that have a community of visitors and / or regular traffic from referral sources or referral links. Websites that register several hundred or even several thousand visitors per day will be able to take full advantage of the potential of advertising management.

In order to start earning money with Google Adsense, you will need a minimum of a few hundred visitors.

An economic model at CPM and CPC
Two economic models coexist on Adsense models:

  • At Cost per mile: This model corresponds to the price paid by the advertiser for 1000 views / displays of the advertisement.
  • At cost per click: This is to compensate you for the number of clicks on the banner or text ad that is displayed on your site.When a user clicks on the ad, you will receive the amount defined by the advertiser, obviously as a deduction from the platform's commission. 

So If you think you have enough traffic on your site to allow you to take advantage of Adsense, let's find out how to register.

1. Go to the  Google Adsense site
Then click on: register now. You will then be offered a basic form. Be careful for the address of your website to put the final URL of your site. If you have redirects in the same way as on Adwords, it will not work. Also remember to correctly enter the email address associated with your Google account (Gmail).

Once the general conditions accepted, you find yourself on the following Adsense space: The first thing you will need to configure. This is your payment profile. It is indeed necessary as we saw above in the article to have a postal address, a valid telephone number and in adequacy with your country of residence declared during the creation of the Google Adsense account.

2. Connect the site to Adsense management
In order to connect the advertising platform to your site, you will need to integrate a code to place between the < head > and < / Head > tags.

 The code must be integrated on all the pages of the site on which you want to broadcast the ads. This is example below:

<script data-ad-client="ca-pub-91353652xxxxxxx" async src=""></script>

The Customer Code shown here in red is composed of a combination of numbers and allows the platform to identify the pages.

3. Google Adsense approval process for your site
Access to the account will be grayed out until the final approval process is completed. It can take up to 48 hours for approval. Make sure you have completed your information correctly.

Following final Adsense approval, you will receive a confirmation email inviting you to get started on the platform.

A word about user consent rules
The new data protection rules promulgated by the European Union require a certain number of parameters to be observed before displaying advertisements. This is especially valid in the context of the use of cookies which we recall here, allow to follow Internet users and allows you to display relevant advertising according to their affinities and browsing habits.

It is necessary to obtain the consent of your visitors to display your advertisements using cookie (remarketing) and personalized advertisement technologies. In order to request the consent of your users, you will need to display a pop-up on your site or a dedicated message.

Your Adsense account is approved!
You have received the email confirming that the Adsense account has been properly approved. You are therefore able to get started on the platform.

Click on the menu on the left on> Ads> By ads unit

You will reach the following page:

3 types of advertising may be offered to you:
1. Display Ads
As you can see in the following illustration, the advertisement is displayed on a banner inside a page on the site. By clicking on the blue arrow at the top right of the banner, you will be redirected to a Google explanation page aimed at providing you with information on the reason why this targeted advertisement was displayed on your page.

Text and graphic ads on the display network explanatory Google page to provide you with information on why this targeted ad was displayed on your page.

2. In-Feed ads or native advertising ads
In-feed ads are chameleon ads and are integrated into content of the same subject and in the same format. This type of ad is not very intrusive for the Internet user and allows good audience targeting.

3. Ads inside an article
Finally, in-article ads, allows you to place advertising inside an article between two paragraphs. This type of advertising often appears in blogs here are some examples:

Let's explore of a text and graphic ad on the display network
Here you will find the different sizes of banners available, namely:
  1. Responsive: This type of advertisement adapts to all types of website and screen
  2. 728 x 90 Leader board: Typically intended to display at the top of main content
  3. 728 x 90 Leader board
  4. 336 x 280 large rectangles: This format is mainly used for integration into content a bit like native ads
  5. 336 x 280 large rectangles
  6. 320 x 100 large banners for mobile: With a higher height it adapts well to the verticality
  7. 320 x 100 large mobile banners
  8. 300 x 600 Half-page formats: The banner is displayed widely on the right space of the page, they allow advertisers to work in a more graphic way by displaying more elements.
  9. 300 x 600 Half-page formats
To find all the information on the accepted ad formats you can reach Google support by following the link: Ad sizes.

Ad texts and styles
The customization of the styles for the advertisements which will be displayed on your site allows to keep a certain coherence in the design, in the colors, and in the appearance. Google Adsense offers a tool to sort these elements in the event that advertisers do not have their own images and their own advertising media. This saves you from having a slightly dark and black advertisement on a website where everything is white and very clear.

The idea is to integrate advertising as much as possible into your site design without shocking and disturbing the visitor.

Choice of behavior below display impossibility
Before saving you will have to configure here the behavior in the way when no banner is available for example display a color, or other.

Then save to get the code> The script must be integrated on your site into the source code before displaying the advertisements with the appropriate configuration.

Quick discovery of an "in-feed" campaign
As you can see from the illustrations above in the article, in-feed ads appear inside your content. When Internet users scroll the content vertically, they will be able to see the in-feed ads perfectly integrated into the content streams.

They are therefore very discreet and not very intrusive, as a general rule it adds value to existing content through ads related to the content around it. The new version of Adsense allows you to integrate this type of ad very cleanly into your content. Again, here is an example of advertising inside an article. And more particularly between two paragraphs of the same article.

10 Tips to Increase the Performance of Your Adsense Ads?
  1. Identify the best ads locations. That is to say the most visible
  2. Create new advertising-oriented content (as long as you already have traffic or an audience) do not hesitate to think from the start about the possibility of integrating advertising content.
  3. Integrate your advertisements as much as possible into your content while being as intrusive as possible. Each of the actors must find there account as well the Net surfer, the owner of the site as the advertiser.
  4. Play with color strategies. There should always be a clearly defined boundary between the ads and the content on your page.
  5. Use the action buttons (CTA) to catch the eye of your visitors. One tip is to place your ads next to it in order to manage clicks.
  6. Increase traffic on your page. Your income is directly linked to the number of clicks and views. By increasing your traffic, you will develop your income mathematically.
  7. Build the pages of its sites taking into account the advertising areas from the start. This will allow you to put more without being too aggressive.
  8. Segment and divide your content into several pages. Rather than having all of your content on one page, display only some of your content on one page and the rest on another page. This allows more display opportunities.
  9. Create content with high added value. You should not give up and always try to offer quality and engaging content by being creative and original.
  10. Build a network of partners, work on your backlinks to receive qualified traffic on your site and thus monetize your audience.
The fraud click
If there is one place where fraud is debated, it is on banner advertisements where it is commonplace. Google is chasing robots that automatically click on automatic banners or webmasters who click or click on their banners to generate income.

Likewise, websites designed specifically to place banners and defraud have been in fashion in recent years. Do not take the giant Google for a fool. Be certain that the number 1 search engine relentlessly hunts fraudsters and does not hesitate to ban those who do not follow the rules. So do not have fun with this at the risk of making you exit the game probably permanently.

Conclusion on Adsense advertising
If you have a website with high traffic potential (check on Google analytics). Then Adsense could allow you to generate interesting income by displaying advertisements on your pages. Keep in mind that if you do not have a regular flow of visitors the first thing to do will certainly be to develop your traffic and increase your daily visits. Working on its SEO with additional content marketing will be a first step to generate income from its traffic.

If you are lucky enough to have qualified traffic on your website and be able to be choosy about the advertisements that appear. Make a real selection and don't forget that you are the boss! Have a nice day!


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